Organisational Culture
Safety maturity, culture transformation frameworks, behavior modelling and shaping ....
Culture - A critical success factor in your organisation.
The organisational culture is the foundation and ultimate deciding factor of any program, campaign, initiative or system being successful or not. If your organisation has a poor culture, chances are that you are struggling to get systems implemented, messages to hit grass root level or even just getting compliance to rules and procedures.
What needs to be understood first and foremost, is that there is a significant difference in creating a positive safe production culture at the start of an organisation, or even while performance is generally good in terms of safety. However, turning around a safety culture which has gained momentum in a negative trend, is not that easy to arrest. It requires several processes and approaches, unconventional to the basic Behaviour Based Safety (BBS) process.
How can The Compliance Group help you?
At TCG we believe that there is more to an incident, non-conformance or poor performance, than pure behavioural issues. This is where the TCG Behaviour Modelling Process is different to any other BBS process around. The TCG BMP digs deeper into the underlying issues leading to the behaviour. We refer to this as the behaviour motive. This motive is the WHY of our behaviour program, whether you are starting a behaviour program or trying to arrest a negative trend and turn your safety culture around with our Safety Culture Turning Point (SCT) program.
TCG did a survey in a group of people arriving for a meeting. Of 10 people, 8 arrived before the meeting started, and on average, 15 minutes early. We engaged with these attendees and determined that some of them was early, because well, they don't want to be late ..... relatively obvious. However, some of them wanted to know whether there is something they could assist with, setting up equipment, tea cups etc. Another wanted to finish some work ahead of the meeting which he had not completed yet. Another wanted to work through the agenda and make sure his responses were structured correctly. One of the attendees was early because they had a lift to the meeting, and another was early because they always wanted to win ...
From this, TCG developed our Behaviour Modelling Program - BMP, where we focus on the why before we work on the how, followed by the what.
In the mining industry, we have a more diverse workforce from various different backgrounds. What may seem obvious to one person might not be so obvious to another. What you may think should injure you, might be different for another. In essence, our employees think, process and react differently to the activators or anticedents as deomstrated in the ABC (Acitvator, Behaciour, Consequence) model fpr BBS.
In the mining industry, we have an even more diverse workforce from various different backgrounds. What may seem obvious to one person might not be so obvious to another. What you may think should injure you, might be different for another. In essence, our employees think, process and react differently to the activators or antecedents as demonstrated in the ABC (Activator, Behaviour, Consequence) model for BBS.
The Compliance Group has taken the best from various behaviour programs such as BBS, PBS, Industrial Psychology, Behaviour Sciences and Analytics, as well as national bench-marking at various mining houses and international bench-marking in the United States at DuPont, Lesotho, Zimbabwe and even Mauritius. Our Managing Director has engaged with the Coaches and Mentors Association of South Africa (COMENSA) to push the efficacy of our program even further.
Our Services Include
Culture Surveys
Behaviour trend analysis.
Development of behaviour modelling programs BMP, fit for purpose.
Facilitation and implementation of behaviour modelling program.
Safety Culture Turnaround Programs.
Monthly reporting on implementation progress and efficacy of the BMP.