What is MinePulse?
MinePulse is the upcoming online communication and sharing platform for all safety related matters in the South African mining industry. The platform was designed by The Compliance Group (Pty) Ltd, an industry leading safety consulting firm, endorsed by Warren Beech, Head of Mining and Partner at Hogan Lovells legal firm in South Africa.
At last, mines can share information, statistics, lessons learned, campaigns, reports and much more, with each other and with institutions such as the Chamber of Mines, SIMRAC, the MH&SC, the DMR and many more forums and initiatives such as MOSH. Progress and performance against industry milestones such as the can be tracked on a monthly basis.
The MinePulse system is live and data is updated on a daily basis. This means that the institutions above can at the click of a button receive a daily report of injuries and incidents in the same way the management at each mine receives their Daily Safety Reports. No more requesting data by email, and waiting for submissions in order to do an industry analysis, no more exporting of data to create graphs for trend analysis, MinePulse does it all.
With the added feature of document uploads, all required documentation from these institutions and authorities can be seamlessly uploaded along with the entered data either as proof or as supporting documentation.
MinePulse consists of 4 performance plateau smashing modules …
Flagship Benefits to MinePulse
Injury and incident statistics of the whole mining industry, live as updated by each mine.
Analysis of injury and incident information per province, commodity, mine, region. Analysis of information based on fatal risks such as Fall of Ground, Truck and Tram, etc.
Performance and tracking of projects and initiatives such as MOSH, DMR Milestones, Presidential Audits, Culture Transformation Frameworks and much more.
Sharing of lessons learned from injuries DMR visits, projects, procedures and standards, posters and awareness.
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Join the MinePulse Facebook Page
The MinePulse Facebook page has been created to share developments and receive ideas and suggestions to the program from mining industry leaders and decision makers. Once you arrive at the page, and want to start sharing learning already, please request to join the closed group. Also, feel free to download the article on "Safety Comparison in Mines" written by Owen Mc Cree.