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Coaching & Training

Building internal capacity in your organisation is key. To remain current, we need to constantly be in the mainstream of events ...

What do we provide ...

Business & Leadership Coaching


Please feel free to contact us for any further detail on any of the specific areas.

When Buyers Say NO

How to work with

Not all sales pitches are successfull. How can you reduce the number of unsuccessfull sales pitches? Based on the book by Tom Hopkins and Ben Katt - Essential strategies for keeping a sale moving forward, we will guide and coach you on a process to reduce the No's and increase the Yes's

Emotional Intelligence

Sometimes more important that IQ

EQ, sometimes, more improtant that IQ, we discover what emotional intelligence is, how we use or misuse it on a daily basis, how to read emotional intelligence and how to manage the workplace with it.

Sun Tsu for Business

Applying the art of war to the workplace ...

The art of war is a great book. The application for business, was even greater. However, translating this into your physical business realm can be difficult. Book this powerful session to understand how you can fit the art of war into your business.

Leadership Skills in the Workplace

Creating leaders the way they should be ...

This session looks at leaders wearing diffrent proverbial hats as communicators, planners, strategists, visionaries, problem solvers, etc. Book this session for your leadership team to take them from good to great!


How does trust effect your business productivity and efficiency ...

As Stephen Covey says, if trust goes up, costs go down, time goes down, but if trust goes down, costs go up and time goes up. Learn how trust affects your workplace and how to deal with it.


Building a civilised workplace, or surviving in one that isn't ...

Commically stated, but very powerful, the No Asshole rule is a team building session, providing laughs but also highlighting some important issues. How to create a civilised environment, or how to live in one that isn't ...

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Head Office | Rustenburg | South Africa

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